Region 2
Deanna Clatworthy

Deanna Clatworthy is a nurse, health educator and public speaker who is passionate about equitable, accessible and holistic healthcare for marginalized communities. She has extensive training in HIV, infectious disease, sexual health and transgender health and has worked in LTC, mental health, primary care, L&D and wound care.
Deanna believes she learned everything you need to know about being a nurse in her RPN program. She is a lifelong learner and has recently completed her Masters of Nursing— Leadership at Western University.
She is a mom of two children and is blessed to now also be a grandmother. Deanna previously spent five years on the WeRPN Board of Directors and is excited to be a part of this incredible organization again.
Deanna looks forward to representing the RPNs in Region 2 and helping to be a voice for all RPNs as we work to move forward together after the past few stressful years.
Region 6
Angela Cornell

Angela Corneil graduated from Fleming College in Peterborough as a Registered Practical Nurse and has had the opportunity to practice to full scope in both the Long- Term Care and hospital sectors.
Throughout her career, Angela has been a strong proponent for innovation and change in health care, including advocating for enhancing leadership opportunities for RPNs. Angela has worked as an informal leader with acute medicine teams, evolving into a quality consultant at Peterborough Regional Health Centre.
During the pandemic, Angela stepped into a formal leadership role as COVID-19 operations manager, providing leadership to the vaccine clinic, COVID-19 assessment centre and screening and access teams. Stemming from this experience came the opportunity to innovate and change as a leader in a new way. Angela has joined the diagnostic imaging team as a quality and systems program support partner and is the first RPN to become part of this team.
Angela is committed to bringing her nursing experience and the RPN lens to every situation while continually advocating for leadership opportunities that allow RPNs to evolve and showcase their innovation and talent. Angela is currently progressing towards completing a Bachelor of Health Administration degree to enhance her contribution to the health care system.
Angela is currently the Board Member-At-Large for WeRPN and is genuinely proud to support Ontario’s RPNs on a broad level. Being part of this outstanding group of nursing leaders is inspiring, and Angela hopes to continue promoting registered practical nurses as integral leaders in health care. She also strives to contribute to a positive future for the profession and the health care system.