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Liability Insurance: the Best Defence

Liability insurance: the best defence

NAVIGATING the dynamic and challenging nursing profession involves contending with diverse obstacles inherent to in-patient care. Safeguarding one’s professional standing is paramount, given the potential for malpractice claims. WeRPN distinguishes itself by offering Professional Liability Protection (PLP) insurance that transcends conventional coverage, presenting a comprehensive solution.

Aligned with the College of Nurses of Ontario’s directive mandating PLP coverage for eligible nurses, WeRPN’s PLP insurance shields nurses from malpractice claims arising from actual or alleged errors, omissions, or negligence in their practice. Beyond this, the coverage extends to provide financial compensation to the public affected by any malpractice or negligence attributed to a nurse.

Norma Tomlin, RPN and Director of Professional Practice at WeRPN has seen too many examples firsthand of nurses who find themselves in a legal entanglement with the College of Nurses over allegation of misconduct. “If someone is not a member or has let their membership lapse, they are not insured and have no legal protection. Our team provides practice support but beyond that, all we can do is offer them with a list of attorneys to explore and retain out of their own pocket. These are some of the hardest calls we receive in the department.”

A noteworthy feature of WeRPN’s PLP insurance is the incorporation of legal expense coverage, an element not mandated by the CNO but recognized by WeRPN as indispensable. This financial support aids nurses accused of malpractice or negligence, assisting them in meeting the legal expenses associated with their defence – an added layer of protection not universally found in professional liability insurance programs.

“Any nurse practicing without professional liability insurance right now could be at risk” according to Norma. “Most of the nurses who call, never thought they would find themselves receiving a letter from the College of Nurses and face what could be a costly and stressful situation with very little support.” On average, a minor complaint can result in around $8,000 in legal fees expenses. For many RPNs this is an enormous financial burden and not feasible, leaving the nurse to try defend the allegation on their own. “Nurses believe they will be covered by their employer’s insurance, and don’t realize that the allegations can often come from the employer themselves. Additionally, when they leave an organization any coverage they would have had with that previous employer no longer exists.”

WeRPN’s commitment to exceeding norms is evident in extending coverage to various scenarios where nurses might require legal support. Whether summoned to a legally constituted tribunal in Ontario or needed as a witness under the Regulated Health Professional Act (1991), our PLP insurance stands as a safety net. This coverage is particularly crucial in incidents related to nursing and offers support to practitioners facing complaints under the Regulated Health Professions Act.

In addition to basic legal expense coverage, WeRPN provides a legal expense extension. This extension ensures that nurses can access competent and confidential legal advice when required – an added layer of support not mandated by CNO by-laws, setting WeRPN’s PLP insurance apart.

A valuable inclusion is the Criminal Defense Expense Reimbursement Extension. In cases where a nurse is legally proven innocent, this extension reimburses criminal defence expenses, underscoring WeRPN’s dedication to comprehensive protection.

WeRPN’s PLP insurance supports nurses facing allegations of professional misconduct, offering legal counsel for responding to complaints from the College of Nurses of Ontario. This additional layer of protection ensures ongoing legal assistance throughout the process. According to Norma, “this is a very stressful situation for the nurses, with many worries about the process and how it may impact their practice. The professional practice team at WeRPN takes the time to guide members, direct them to the insurance brokerage for legal assessment and support them with practice resources that aim to enhancing their practice in order to provide safe, high quality care for those they serve”.

With WeRPN’s Professional Liability Protection, nurses are never alone. Our commitment to providing a robust and reliable solution for Ontario nurses transcends CNO requirements, exemplifying our dedication to the well-being and protection of nursing professionals who continually go beyond within the healthcare system.